Sunday, February 10, 2013

Jangan Pilih Kuciang Aia…..!!!

Entah siapa yang memulai, banyak para pengamat politik mengintrodusir “Calon Anggota Legislatif (Caleg)” sama dengan Kucing, sehingga muncullah istilah-istilah yang memakai kata kucing yang berkaitan dengan masalah Caleg, seperti Kucing dalam Karung. Dan pengibaratan tersebut akan lebih klop jika dikaitkan pula dengan karakteristik Kucing dan Tikus serta Anjing karena ketiga binatang tersebut mempunyai hubungan kehidupan timbal balik yang sangat erat dan biasanya hidup dalam sebuah rumah. Pengibaratan yang bukan lagi sebatas Caleg tetapi lebih dari itu yaitu sebuah Negara (rumah), Anggota Legislatif (kucing), Koruptor (tikus) dan Aparat Keamanan/Hukum (Anjing).
Pada Pemilu 2004 ada iklan yang berbunyi, “Dalam Pemilu sebelumnya kita Memilih Kucing Dalam Karung, maka kali ini Kucingnya tidak ada dalam karung”. Iklan ini adalah untuk mensosialisasikan bahwa Pemilu sekarang kita bisa langsung memilih orangnya untuk menjadi Anggota Legislatif (DPR, DPRD dan DPD), tidak seperti sebelumnya yang hanya memilih partai sedangkan Anggota Legislatif ditentukan oleh Partai.
Jika Iklan pendek tersebut dijadikan sebuah Cerita maka banyak polemik yang bisa dimunculkan agar Iklan pendek tersebut menjadi cerita yang panjang… misalnya, Dulu sewaktu memilih Kucing Dalam Karung kita berspekulatif… kita memilih tetapi tidak tahu apakah kita akan mendapat kucing baik atau kucing jelek. Kita hanya bisa melihat karung saja tanpa tahu persis isinya kecuali bahwa di dalamnya ada beberapa ekor kucing.
Ada berbagai alasan orang untuk menentukan pilihan: ada yang memilih karena karungnya bagus dan bersih, dan berpikir sudah tentu isinya juga bagus dan bersih. Ada yang memilih karena isi karung… kalau karungnya berguncang-guncang hebat pastilah didalamnya terdapat kucing yang kuat dan gesit. Ada juga  yang memilih karena karung itu diam saja, berpikir pastilah kucingnya baik-baik semua, tidak suka ribut-ribut.
Alasan memilih karena suka di atas bisa kita balik untuk alasan orang yang menentukan pilihan karena tidak suka, aku pilih yang ini saja karena yang itu ribut melulu
Memilih di antara pilihan yang kelihatan jelas akan membuat kita leluasa memakai bermacam kriteria dalam memutuskan pilihan sesuai yang diinginkan… apakah dari kelaminnya, warna belangnya, posturnya, bunyi meongnya, atau keterampilannya, dan untuk apa kucing itu kita pilih. Apakah akan digunakan sebagai pembasmi tikus atau sekedar untuk dielus-elus.
Di sisi lain kita sudah memahami betul bahwa dari dulu hingga kini sangat banyak Tikus berkeliaran di sekitar kita, kelakuan mereka sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari… kadang beras kita dimakan, sambal kita yang dicuri, tong sampah kita diobok-obok, bahkan suara mereka entah itu berkelahi atau bergelut di atas loteng membuat kita susah tidur. Ukuran mereka pun semua type ada mulai dari yang normal, yang sangat kecil bahkan yang seukuran kucing pun ada. Mereka sangat gesit dan pintar… kita lengah sekejap makanan kita sudah tinggal sisa.
Karakter Anjing boleh dikatakan sama dengan Kucing… Cuma dalam tugas Anjing mendapat posisi lebih strategis yaitu melindungi rumah dari ancaman pencuri maupun tamu tak diundang….
Kita ibaratkan dalam Negara saat ini kita sedang menuju jurang kehancuaran.. karena para Tikus (Koruptor) sangat meraja lela. Hampir disetiap sudut mereka ada dan mengincar apa saja yang bisa dimakan.. incaran utama mereka tetap beras (Bulog) tetapi mereka juga memakan kabel-kabel dan Dinding lemari. Sementara Kucing-kucing (Politikus & Pejabat Negara) kita tidak kuasa menghadapi serangan tikus-tikus tersebut. Kucing kita kalah gesit… Lemari (Bank) sudah bobol baru memeong, sementera tikusnya sudah kabur. Kucing kita tak ubahnya “Kucing Tua” yang tidak bisa apa-apa kecuali menuggu dikasih makan atau menunggu empunya lengah dan ikut-ikutan mencuri makan. Kucing kita juga sudah tidak ada wibawa terutama dimata para Tikus… mereka tidak lagi ditakuti, karena jangankan untuk menguber Tikus… menangkap cicak yang jatuhpun tidak sanggup!
Kondisi tersebut bertambah parah ketika para Anjing turut campur urusan Kucing… mereka jadi sering berkelahi soal teritorial dan wewenang dan terus menjadi musuh berbuyutan. Apa jadinya… Tikus pada terbahak-bahak dan tepuk tangan sambil berkata… teruskan permusuhan kalian sementara kami akan teruskan pekerjaan kami.
Kita sebagai pemilik kadang-kadang memang lupa diri, tidak waspada…entah sudah beberapa kali lumbung beras dan lemari kita dibobol Tikus tetapi kita tidak mengambil tindakan tegas. Padahal kalau mau ada caranya, yiatu.. diracun saja! Mungkin timbul masalah, bagamaimana kalau Kucing dan Anjing ikut kena racun? Biarin saja… kalau ada Kucing dan Anjing yang memakan umpan untuk Tikus berarti mereka bukan yang baik. Kucing dan Anjing yang baik tentunya sudah tahu makan dimana, kan makanannya sudah dijatah (Gaji)… kalau coba-coba mencari makanan lain resikonya ya itu, kena Racun Tikus, Mati!
Kesimpulannya… nanti pada Pemilu 2014 akan ada lebih ribuan bahkan puluhan ribu calon Kucing dan kita harus hati-hati dalam menentukan pilihan. Walaupun secara Ekstrim dikatakan lebih baik memilih kucing dalam karung, walapun spekulatif tetapi masih ada “sedikit” harapan, siapa tahu dalam karung itu ada yang bagus dan kita beruntung memilihnnya, dari pada sekarang terbuka tapi tak satupun yang bisa diharapkan. Orang Minangkabau bilang, dulu ndak tau nan ka dipiliah, antah rancak antah busuakkini lah dibukak karuangnyoe.e ruponyo Kuciang Aia sadonyo, lai juo nan lain tapi Kuciang Ijuak pulo.
Kita harus tetap berfikir optimis, bahwa dari sekian ribu calon tentu ada sebagian yang bagus… nah pilihlah yang bagus… dengan memilih yang bagus minimal kita telah ikut menghalangi yang jelek untuk dapat suara. Selain berbuat baik kita juga harus mencegah kemungkaran… setuju! Ayo memilih.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Java Freedom Movement

Dalam sebah acara Talk Show Televisi, Bang Komar dan Bung Adi diberondong presenter dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar Indonesia hari dan esok.

Berikut petikannya:

Presenter (PS): Thank you both have come on our show this ...
BK: Wait, actually I am personally indebted because you took me to the Bung Adi (BA) because it has been so long I did not meet him directly ...
PS: I mean BK ..
BA: Well, face to face since we graduated did not see him again but we both always hold imaginary contacts...
PS: Okay, okay ... now BK first, how Indonesia today according to BK?
BK: Currently, Indonesia is really messed up, peoples and governments alike panic and this is due to the legacy Pak De ...
PS: What is not due to the inability of Habibie?
BK: O instead, if whoever inherited so hard to fix it, so it is not wrong in itself but rather because Habibie, Suharto.
PS: When it comes to inheritance, can not just blame Pak De, Bung Karno also wrong! Since Suharto inherited from Bung Karno.
BK: Soeharto not inherited but win, remember me re-but! And Bung Karno Indonesia as toppled situation is not as bad now, anyways Soeharto had plenty of time to fix it, that for 32 years!
BA: I add ... it is not right that Bung Karno take the blame for his time far away distances, in addition to the Bung Karno pass in an uneven economy in other words, the social gap is not as it is today.
PS: What is the impact of the current situation for the next Indonesia BK?
BK: If the other day that the rebel areas in the Outer Islands of Java, then tomorrow, tomorrow may be happening is the emergence of Gerakan Jawa Merdeka!.
PS: How can that be?
BK: That's what I see in two months Habibie leadership, during this crisis was the most miserable people on the island of Java, now they are really hungry, losing a job, fear squeezed, easily provoked and incitement issues ... anyway particular concern among victims of another financial crisis.
PS: Looks like BK reasons not relevant to the BK Freedom Movement Java say earlier ..
BK: Well, I have not finished, so do not cut it ... in his tenure Habibie seen trying to remove the myth Noto Nogoro. After he (Habibie) itself overturns the myth that President-3 is the Javanese ... then he also shifts the Javanese from important posts. We see in the cabinet ... Mendagri, Menpen, Menaker and many others, are very much different from the percentage composition of the Outer Java Java Habibie future when compared to the Soeharto era. So is the position of the Attorney General and the DPA ... even the armed forces too. So since many Javanese people, whose position shifted then it's possible they changed their minds ... forming a Freedom of Java.
PS: If you think yourself how BA ..
BA: I think the BK say what could have happened, as we-we were outside Java were very upset ... but the name Homeland important positions are always dominated by sono, even the position of the Governor, the Regent and the Mayor of us came from the island of Java. Over the worst of all of it was done by force and not fair, you will remember when the year 1995 in Riau, Riau Ismail Original People Suko who removed and replaced with the Munandar....Munandar age fortunately not long but even so it still Jawa successor Person , is the name of native inhibit career.
PS: I come back to BK ... the military body seems not occurred De-Javanization, as Commander and Chief of its staff is the Java ...
BK: If for the position of Commander and Chief of Staff Habibie was deliberately kept to a mission ..
PS: Bang mean?
BK: For Habibie ... Wiranto and Subagyo (Army Chief of Staff) still need to be maintained in order Dejawanisasi subtle, besides that they are a tool to get people ... sono divided equally between Wiranto and we know Subagyo actually not a gang ... so they left tertus that disputes it ... further widening the two men would also slip moreover they are close to retirement age.
PS: It is also interesting ... but we also need to hear reviews of BA, because of the earlier more silent ...
BA: Yeah, I do not seem deberi chance way, but my capacity equal to BK ... and from the corner of my field, again all nothing more than a legacy of Soeharto. Soeharto for 32 years has made Indonesia the dichotomy as if it only belongs to the Java ... so that Habibie now doing Dejawanisasi I think it's a reasonable person who is not Java, which would have hurt too. During the 32 years of Soeharto membangn kingdom with buddy-buddy and his family, they act without restraint ... Prabowo dilejitkan a General when he was still inexperienced, Treasury drained and then filled with foreign loans to be drained again, worse than all the positions filled by the highest to lowest Suharto people. There is one interesting and very unusual ... a Regent (Bantul) to serve a second time to ask for help from a Ward level that is far below the bureaucratic hierarchy. In a democratic country it is not possible but because Suharto was common as has been revealed in the article entitled BK Engineering History where the employer is forced to subordinate could happen especially the headman had been a family of Suharto himself. So also with the tribes affiliated companies, all established and huge profits just by his grandfather knee capital.
PS: I think the dude is too extreme to comment ...
BA: Extreme? ... up to you to judge me so, obviously what I say it is based on the knowledge I have ... and in fact all that we have seen in the New Order but you just do not dare to say this for fear!
PS: You? ... Meaning you never talk about it at that time?
BA: For us ... me and there is no term BK Off The Record ... but it is only limited to our neighborhood ... ha.ha.ha, not so BK?
BK: Yeah ... we are from the New Order has often peeling this stuff even events now for us is not a surprise because we had previously predicted ... so if one day you hear the Freedom Movement of Java you should not be surprised because we have let.
PS: Okay then ... do you think both of whom will be sitting as the President of the 4 ... BA first-lah?
BA: Problem President to-4? If the President to-5 is clear dong ya. For the President to-3 there are some names that have the same opportunities that Amien, Megawati and Habibie.
PS: But Habibie never say that it is not willing to be nominated again become President.
BA: Ah it's amazing, she used to say so because it is new so the President, suasanany still very chaotic and yet there is delish ... now after two months of Habibie had seemed to feel so the President was indeed delicious. Now it is looking Habibie is preparing forces to be President again. While that might appear as a dark horse is Hamengkubuwono X, Try Sutrisno ..
PS: Opportunities Wiranto himself how ..
BA: I look hard and very thin chances because Wiranto, Prabowo cs enemies are ... unless there is an agreement between them ..
PS: Latest on BK, Megawati and Amien extent opportunities?
BK: The problem here ... Mega it is considered as a kinship with the people ... as long as these rulers played Mega Orba then comes a kind of spiritual and emotional bond between the people and Mega, Mega especially bears the name of Sukarno. If Amien ... I see because he consistently pushes for reform ... voiced Amar Ma'ruf  Nahi Mungkar...Amien unjust and followers too much ... but other than that I see the name Try Sutrisno got a great chance if he can hand wash or disengaged from the Tanjung Priok. But for the details, we'll wait until the special session ... after that we can see clearly who will appear as the person who will receive the key to the next palace ...
 Bukittinggi in West Sumatra, July 22, 1998